
IMG_5671 2 momotombo.png
IMG_5671 2 momotombo.png



for SATB choir

  • Momotombo was commissioned by Musica Viva NY, Alejandro Hernandez-Valdez, artistic director and conductor, for premiere on In Nature's Realm at All Souls Church in New York, NY, on March 27, 2022; recorded by the commissioner on December 6, 2023; and released November 22, 2024 on Naxos.

  • Instrumentation: SATB choir

  • Duration: 16’



Nicaragua is home to a range of volcanic formations from young cinder cones and lava domes to calderas and steeply ascending stratovolcanoes. Of them all—observed throughout the ages by caciques, poets, first peoples, conquerors—the greatest may be Momotombo. Rubén Darío’s poem Momotombo embraces the eternal nature of the volcano, present through the rising and passing of epochs, while placing it in the context of an ephemeral moment approaching the volcano by train as a boy: “I was fifteen: a star in my hand!”

I was read Darío’s poetry since early childhood; my mother—born and raised in Diriamba, Nicaragua—had a deep and layered connection to his work, and she made a point of instilling in me an appreciation for his rich imagery, rhythmic drive, lyricism, and wordplay, and a love for the heart that fuels so much of his writing. In his Momotombo, Darío’s contrasting imagery is potent, with the train that keeps going, the volcano that stands seemingly unchanged for all time, and the soul that remains constant as the body changes and inevitably expires, all witness to accounts of and by people who have come and gone. I followed this shape in this new work for chorus, tracing a line from Darío to the sources he references in his poem—Victor Hugo, from Les raisons du Momotombo; and E. G. Squier’s account of the old friars who went up the volcano and did not come back—and beyond—referencing Oviedo’s History of the Indies and a letter to court from Bartolomé de las Casas—all of which exist in the shadow of the eternal Momotombo, as the memory of a fifteen-year-old self flickers brightly, and as the train keeps going.    —GL

Momotombo was commissioned by Musica Viva NY, Alejandro Hernandez-Valdez, artistic director and conductor, for premiere on In Nature's Realm at All Souls Church in New York, NY, on March 27, 2022; recorded by the commissioner on December 6, 2023; and released November 22, 2024 on Naxos.



I. El tren iba rodando sobre sus rieles


El tren iba rodando sobre sus rieles. Era

en los días de mí dorada primavera

y era en mí Nicaragua natal.


El tren iba rodando sobre sus rieles.

yo tenía quince años: una estrella en la mano!

y era en mí Nicaragua natal.


El tren iba rodando sobre sus rieles.


De pronto,

Suddenly, between a canopy of trees, I saw


“Ô vieux Momotombo, colosse chauve et nu…”


Ô vieux Momotombo, «calvo y desnudo», and

full of ancient triumphal pride.


El tren iba rodando sobre sus rieles.

yo tenía quince años: una estrella en la mano!  

I was fifteen: a star in my hand!


El tren iba rodando sobre sus rieles.


Rubén Darío, from Momotombo, 1907


Victor Hugo, from Les raisons du Momotombo,

La Légende des siècles, 1859



II. The baptism of volcanoes


[The baptism of volcanoes] is an old practice…

the ceremony was performed early after the Conquest

on all the volcanoes in Nicaragua,

with the exception of Momotombo.

The old friars who started for its summit

to set up the cross there

were never heard from again.


E. G. Squier, special chargé d'affaires of the United States to the Republics of Central America

from Travels in Central America, particularly in Nicaragua, 1853



III. ¡Momotombo! -exclamé


A league and a half from the city of León is a very high mountain on the other side of the lake... from the highest peak rises smoke without ceasing…


There, no year passes without the earth shaking many times.


¡Momotombo! -exclamé- ¡oh nombre de epopeya!

¡Oh Momotombo ronco y sonoro!


I have been in that city fleeing to the streets


I counted in a single night sixty or so, one after another…

…it is a cause of much fear


Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, 1535

General and Natural History of the Indies, and Islands and Lands of the Oceanic Sea, part three, volume IV, 1855

Rubén Darío, from Momotombo, 1907



IV. Evocación


Know your grace, que este reino de Nicaragua es… un paraíso

…such abundance, such good health and the gentleness of its people.


Oh Momotombo…  Te amo

Oh Momotombo…  I love you

because at your evocation they come to me again,

porque a tu evocación vienen a mí otra vez,

perfumes de mí infancia, brisas de mí niñez.




Bartolomé de las Casas, carta a un personaje de la corte, 1552

Rubén Darío, from Momotombo, 1907



V. yo tenía quince años


Momotombo stood lyrical and sovereign,

I was fifteen: a star in my hand!


El tren…


Rubén Darío, from Momotombo, 1907



Texts translated and adapted by the composer.


November 2024 Naxos release - Musica Viva New York, Alejandro Hernandez-Valdez, conductor

Momotombo premiere - Musica Viva NY - Alejandro Hernandez-Valdez, conductor / music begins at 1:33